Using/Changing Survey Responses
September 27, 2023
The first message in our campaigns will generally ask a question. For example - Can we count on your support?
Please ensure you've read the campaign toolkit before you start sending replies so you know what survey responses you have available.
How to Use a Survey Response
- Click “All Responses.”
- The current question is at the top of the drop-down, select the appropriate response.
- Send the auto-populated message, adapting if needed.
Changing a Previously Selected Survey Response
If someone you’re texting changes their answer to a question, you should edit the recorded response.
For example, if someone switches from undecided to supporting a candidate, you’ll want to update that so the data is correct.
- Click the ‘all responses’ drop-down
- At the top of the drop-down click where it says ‘all questions’
- You’ll then select the answer you want to update
- Click the new answer and, this will prompt your new response to pop up.
- You’ll send the auto populated message for the newly selected answer, of course adapting if needed.