Using/Changing Survey Responses

September 27, 2023


The first message in our campaigns will generally ask a question. For example - Can we count on your support?

Please ensure you've read the campaign toolkit before you start sending replies so you know what survey responses you have available.

How to Use a Survey Response

  1. Click “All Responses.”
  2. The current question is at the top of the drop-down, select the appropriate response.
  3. Send the auto-populated message, adapting if needed.

Changing a Previously Selected Survey Response

If someone you’re texting changes their answer to a question, you should edit the recorded response.

For example, if someone switches from undecided to supporting a candidate, you’ll want to update that so the data is correct.

  1. Click the ‘all responses’ drop-down
  2. At the top of the drop-down click where it says ‘all questions’
  3. You’ll then select the answer you want to update
  4. Click the new answer and, this will prompt your new response to pop up. 
  5. You’ll send the auto populated message for the newly selected answer, of course adapting if needed.